In June of 2000, a Jacksonville, Fl. video production company developed the idea of a TV show for their local animal shelter that would help increase adoptions, provide community education, and provide a regular weekly broadcast voice for those who can't speak for themselves... the animals.
The 30 minute Animals at Heart pet adoption showcase was seen on the air in northeast Florida and southeast Georgia from July of 2000 through 2005 each week on two network affiliate stations and one cable channel. The shelter reported an increase in adoptions of both showcased and non-showcased animals, increased donations, increased attendance at fundraising events, increased volunteers, and an improved outreach and public image in the community. 450 episodes. Over 8000 pets saved. As a result of public demand, the award-winning show eventually became more than "just a show". It branched out to include the Animals at Heart Pet Loss Support Group, and then the Animals at Heart Compassion Fatigue Workshops, and finally the Animals at Heart Organization, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity educational resource. Animals at Heart today is a pet community service provided by A Guiding Light, Inc. It was added as a program offered by the 501(c)(3) non-profit charity organization in 2018. Through partnership with shelters everywhere, A Guiding Light, Inc.'s Animals at Heart has continued for nearly two decades to make the world a better place for people... and their pets. |
Our Non-Denominational Pet Prayer Network – started in January of 2004, is a free program has already posted pets from around the world. It provides a sense of community support and comfort to pet owners whose pets are ill, injured, or lost. Pet owners place their pet on the list and then that need is seen by a dedicated group of people around the world who immediately pray for the pets listed. The list is faith-based but non-denominational and participants remember the prayer list pets in whatever manner they prefer. The Pet Prayer Network in 2018 migrated to our Animals At Heart Facebook presence. Click the button below...